I like to have a clean and tidy home. Our house
is by no means a show home, far from it. And with an almost two year old
charging about, staying neat and tidy is, to say the least, a challenge.
Day to day I mostly keep on top of things; my
kitchen is always clean and the worktops are mostly clear. Toys get put away
each and every evening after the little crumpet goes to bed. But it's the small
piles of things that don't get put away, or don't have a home that eventually
drive me to distraction. Piles of mail, a slowly growing collection of hair
bobbles and clips on the dresser in the kitchen, my nail varnish and remover
that hurriedly got put up on a shelf when my manicure was interrupted by my toddler
waking up from her nap. I seem to simply run out of hours in each day to get to
these small things. But they grow and seemingly reproduce in other forms of
clutter and eventually it feels like they are creeping across my house like
mildew on damp walls! Argh!
I would say that the clutter mildly irritates me.
Constantly. Then it will come to a head when I cant stand it any longer and
I'll go mad and have a huge rant , shortly followed by a frenzied sweep around
the house picking things up and finding places for them to go.
I am vowing to become more organised and
therefore less stressed, calmer and ultimately happier. The pursuit of
happiness. How cliché of me!
I have bought myself a planner. I list my chores
to be done and smugly tick them off once done. I am charting my water intake
(not doing well on this one; too much tea is drunk in this house). But I feel
that I do need to address the root of much of my stress: CLUTTER.
After a comment on one of my favourite Instagram accounts, I have ordered this book from
Amazon; The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up.
'This best-selling
guide to decluttering your home from Japanese cleaning consultant Marie Kondo
takes readers step-by-step through her revolutionary KonMari Method for
simplifying, organizing, and storing. '
I have high
Feeling inspired,
I had a mini declutter whilst the little one was asleep. Ok, so I did a couple
of shelves on our bookcase, but I have two bags to go to charity, a pile to
action and a pile to file. Things got put away in their places. I think I will
buy some storage boxes, baskets etc, and I have a LONG way to go, but I feel
better already!
Ultimately, I
want my home to feel calm, easy to tidy and clean and a place where, at the end
of the day, the toys are back in their baskets and toddler is in bed, I can
relax, unwind and not have clutter peeking at me from every surface.
I'll keep you
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